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Jace Curran, Physics Ph.D. student at Lehigh University

Unlocking Quantum Secrets

Physics Ph.D. student Jace Curran explores spin-entangled excitons in rubrene.
Fluorescend Quantum Beats in Organic Semiconductors

Global Decoherence in entangled triplet exciton pairs

A condensed matter equivalent of the entangled photon pairs popular in quantum information science is a pair of spin-entangled exciton in a semiconductor. In organic semiconductors in particular, it is possible to generate such pairs when a photoexcited states (of spin 0) decays into two excitons, each with spin 1, but entangled to have an overall spin of 0. A theoretical model for the effect of exciton transport on the global coherence of a population of such exciton pairs and how this global coherence can be precisely tuned by an applied magnetic field has been recently developed and demonstrated experimentally in rubrene single crystals.
STAR Detector image

Studying Quark Gluon Plasma

Relativistic Heavy Ion Collisions ram ions traveling at speeds comparable to the speed of light, by which physicists can study the primal form of matter that occurred in the universe shortly after the Big Bang. These impacts and the properties of the matter produced in them are the focus of research by experimental physicist Anders Knospe.
Daniel Ou-Yang and Aurelia Honerkamp-Smith

Intensive Student Research

Lehigh Physics students gain international research experience in Bordeaux, France through a grant from the National Science Foundation.