After prior work in quantum phenomena in semiconductor devices, my recent work is in physics education research. One of my recent publications was highlighted as an Editor’s Choice for the journal and re-distributed by online physics news services, while another was highlighted by Lehigh’s Publication Office and featured in our alumni magazine.

Jerome Licini
Associate Professor
Princeton University, BA magna cum laude
Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Ph.D. Condensed Matter Physics
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Research Areas
Additional Interests
- Physics Education Research
- Consulting
Research Statement
Professor Licini received his degrees from Princeton University and MIT. He did the critical experiments on quantum phenomena in semiconductor devices that established the principle of universal conductance fluctuations in small systems. As a consultant he has three patents on equipment for semiconductor manufacturing and characterization. His recent research in physics education has been selected as the journal’s “editor’s choice” and featured on international news services. He is a popular teacher of introductory physics at Lehigh and currently serves as the associate chair of the Physics department.
Selected Publications
“Why Is an Empty Shampoo Bottle So Easy to Knock Over?” Jerome C. Licini and Zijun Yuan, The Physics Teacher 58, 220-1 (2020).
“A Tilted-Axes Tool for Introductory Mechanics and Mathematics Courses,” Jerome C. Licini, The Physics Teacher 56(8), 528-9 (2018).
“Quantum Conductance Fluctuation Correlation Range and Amplitude as a Parameter-Independent Probe of the Localized-to-Extended State Transition in Narrow Si Metal-Oxide-Semiconductor Field-Effect Transistors,” J. C. Licini and S. B. Field, Phys. Rev. B 51, 14741 (1995).
“Aperiodic Magnetoresistance Oscillations in Narrow Inversion Layers in Silicon,” J. C. Licini, D. J. Bishop, M. A. Kastner, and J. Melngailis, Phys. Rev. Lett. 55, 2987 (1985).
Physics 11 – Introductory Physics I (Mechanics and Thermodynamics)
Physics 21 – Introductory Physics II (Electromagnetism and Optics)
Physics 72-10 – Advanced Topics in Introductory Physics